Virtual Reality

We are making Virtual Reality walkthrough models of various places in Auroville.

It has applications in the field of education, art, town planning, architecture and exchange with the larger world. This is a humble beginning. Enjoy!

savitri art gallery
Visit Savitri Art Gallery VR

This is an example of a space that is not built in Auroville, it exist only in the virtual space. This art gallery has 24 Savitri Art paintings curated for 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Sri Aurobindo.

Visit Savitri Bhavan VR - Coming Soon

Savitri Bhavan is dedicated to Sri Aurobindo’s mantric poem Savitri. Here you can walk in front of the Savitri Bhavan and around Sri Aurobindo’s statue.

Visit Matrimandir VR - Coming Soon

The Matrimandir is the soul of Auroville, located at the centre of the city in the Peace Area. Here you can walk around the Peace Area and see Matrimandir from all around.